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Big Little talkers

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Everything You Need to Know About Your “Late-Talker”

W H O I S A “L A T E- T A L K E R?” “Late-Talkers” are defined as toddlers between 18-30 months with good understanding of language, typically developing play skills, motor skills, thinking skills, and social skills, but has limited words for his or her age (Hanen Center). In other words, they are […]

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There’s a reason toddlers learn many of the same common 50 first words and not words like “taxes” and “intuition”. Children learn words that they hear over and over and they learn words better when words are said in a specific way that tells them the language is just for them. Here are a few […]

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Here’s a super helpful tip to help your toddler talk: Turn questions with comments Questions tend to be conversation stoppers. If I ask you, “What color is it? and you say “blue,” there’s not really anywhere else to go, right? We want little ones to stay engaged in the interaction so there are more opportunities […]

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Fostering a love for reading early on builds strong foundation for literacy But it can be hard to keep little ones engaged, right? Here a few tips to choose books for your toddler (and their toddler attention span) Books are great for talking too! Here are some tricks encourage more talking with books: Here are […]

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Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) is defined as services and supports that are available to babies and young children (0-3) with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. Services include speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and other types of services based on the needs of the child and family. Eligibility is determined by […]

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