You're tired of being a mind reader when it comes to knowing what your toddler wants

You're over playing 20 questions when it comes to figuring out what your toddler wants.

You want to know what your toddler is thinking, feeling, and what made them laugh today!

With simple speech therapy strategies-you can!

From 0-3, you child's brain grows faster than it ever will again!

During this "critical period," your child's brain is most sensitive to learning 

By age 3, most of the bran's major circuits are mature and it becomes much harder to make significant changes

Small gaps in vocabulary early on and grow into big gaps 9ver time

Research on brain development reminds us that helping toddlers early on can prevent problems later on with learning, reading behavior, and social skills

1-on-1 virtual speech consults  

The 1:1 to designed finally get the answers you've been looking for about speech and language development

Speech therapy strategies tailored to your child's unique personality and communication profile

In these 1:1 consults, I share the exact same strategies I teach in my Private Practice specializing in 0-3 and use at home with my own toddler

The Process

Pick a time

I know life with a toddler is busy! Use my easy online booking calendar to pick out a day and time that works for you

Getting to know you 

Fill out your a communication profile so I can learn more about your little one before meeting

Get your toddler talking

During our meeting, you will get specific speech therapy strategies tailored to your child and their unique personality and communication profile to help them start talking more

"Brooke is an expert and observing and meeting your child where they are and the startegies were easy to carryover at home" .

Sarah, Mom of clark



Book here

You will walk away with an action plan tailored towards your child and a written plan for home

Late-Talker Course

I'll show you how to help your little one say more, get frustrated less, and off to best possible start with speech and language development with simple and proven speech therapy strategies that fit right into your day.

It's not a matter of talking more.  It's a matter of knowing what to say and how to say it that really matters. In this self-paced course, you'll learn how to respond to your toddler to help them say more, get frustrated less, and off to the best start with speech and language.


Kind Words

Brooke is exceptional, and I will forever be thankful for her kindness, generosity, and knowledge in caring for my son

— heather, mom of George

I've never had content this great before French 75. My social media is totally exploding with engagement.

— Jennifer, co-Founder, Tonic site shop

It's such a load off my mind not worrying if I'm going to have something to post. It's all done for me!

— elena, rose mercantile

Meeting milestones on their own timeline doesn't make your child any less bright, amazing, or perfect!  But getting support early on helps them reach their fullest potential

let's work together

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