About Me

It's time to spend less time worrying and more time connecting with your little one!

Before I was a parent, I assumed my background as a speech therapist for 10 + years would help me “get it right” when it came to parenting. I obsessed about every little thing and every do and don’t I would hear from friends, colleagues, and Instagram.

But I had let go of that when my daughter experienced delays of her own. For me, “getting it right” meant admitting what I didn’t know and seeking support from professionals such as physical and occupational therapists.

The right support made all the difference

Getting my daughter the support she needed early on and the tools to help her at home made all difference in where she is today.  Using speech therapy strategies from the beginning kept her "on track" with speech development, even with early signs of a speech delay such as delayed babbling,

The resources you'll find here are meant to show you how to shift your focus from obsessing about developmental checklists to appreciating your child’s unique strengths.  You'll discover simple ways to  foster their speech development into what you are already doing in your day.

I'll be in it with you as you embrace where your child is right now and 

Help Your Toddler Talk in 3 Simple Steps

Pick what works best for you

I know life with a toddler is busy! Whether it's a 1:1 virtual session or my self-paced online course, choose the option that works for you

Comeplete the welcome questions

For a virtual consult, you'll fill out the welcome questionnaire so I can get to know your and your family and how to get you strategies that will fit into your day.

get speech therapy secrets

Fire up your laptop and get ready to learn speech therapy secrets to help your toddler increase the words they're saying and get off to the rights start with speech milestones. 

Kind Words

Brooke is exceptional, and I will forever be thankful for her kindness, generosity, and knowledge in caring for my son

— heather, mom of George

I've never had content this great before French 75. My social media is totally exploding with engagement.

— Jennifer, co-Founder, Tonic site shop

It's such a load off my mind not worrying if I'm going to have something to post. It's all done for me!

— elena, rose mercantile

Let's get you on your way to what you need

get 1:1 support

Ready to stop waiting and start doing? Book your virtual consult to get all your questions answered and learn exactly how to support your little one at home!

Virtual Course


You don't need to be a speech therapist to help your toddler talk! Learn speech therapy secrets on your time in my self-paced virtual course

Not sure if your toddler is considered a "late talker?" This quiz will help you identify if your child is a "late-talker" based on the number of words that are using along with other factors

Get My First Free 50 Word Checklist When You Subscribe