Milestones consults

Learn how to support your child's speech-right from home.

No matter your child's age or stage, there are so many things you can do to support your child's speech and language development!

Whether you have concerns about your child's speech development or just want a little reassurance they are on the "right track," and get all your questions answered these consults were made with you in mind. 

real talk:

Being a parent of a toddler is hard!

It takes a village, right? If you have concerns about your child's speech development, get support. There are so many things you can do right now to help them that will make a big difference later on

You don't have to do it alone.

How It Works


Find a day and time that works for your schedule. Your child can be with you for our appointment or you can choose to make it just us!


Fill out the Late-Talker Blueprint questionnaire so I can learn more about your little one and we can maximize our time together.


Boot up your computer (or iPhone or pad) and get ready to feel confident supporting your toddler's speech at hoem

You don't have to do it alone!

Before my daughter was diagnosed with low tone and sensory processing disorder, I spent hours upon hours researching how to help her. Once I got the support I needed and learned how to help her at home, that's when her progress really took off!  It was a matter of doing things as simple as changing the way I got her up from her changing table to help her engage her core.  I wish I would have gotten the support I needed sooner instead of spending so much time trying to figure it out on my own.

Here’s What You Need

An action plan tailored to your child

Learn how to use your child's strengths to meet them exactly where they are and build a bridge to what's next

the experience and expertise of an expert

I've spent the past 13 years specializing in early language developing, reading research, and taking continuing education courses. Let me help you!

simple and east to implement strategies

Speech therapy strategies don't need to be hard. I'll show you how to modify what you are already doing to build in more opportunities for communication and  connection.

“Working with Brooke has been an
absolutely blessing"

-Monica, Mom of Iyla

How does this sound?

the results you're going to get:


Less meltdowns: More words  means less frustration, tantrums, and tears.


No more comparing because you know your child is going the exact pace they're meant to 


Confidently answering when your pediatrician asks you about speech development


Having the support you need so you can get back to focusing on your tiny human


Knowing your little one is getting off to the best start with speech and langauge (and reading, writing, and learning down the road)

is that a yes?

Book Your Speech Milestones Consult

I can't wait to meet you and your little one! Use the link below to book your session or reach out to see if we would be a good fit

Book Here

Kind Words From Clients

-Amber, Parent of Colin

"I know every child goes through a stage where what they want to say exceeds what they can say...

but with Colin it just went on and on! There were epic meltdowns and it was frustrating! Brooke showed us how to make learning new words fun!" 

Murphy, Parent of Edward

"I know you're not supposed to compare...

but I would hear other kids his age talking in phrases and I would I get so worried! I would spiral wondering if he was always going to be behind. He says things now I never would have imagined. Thank you!"

Brooke supported my son's needs, showed us his strengths, and guided us in helping him make progress with his skills."

Heather, mom of Geoorge

"Brooke is exceptional, and I will forever be thankful for her kindness, generosity, and knowledge in caring for my son.

"Working with Brooke has given us strategies that are simple, effective, and easy to integrate with our existing routines.  Brooke showed us methods we could use to take a more targeted approach, such as prioritizing words that would empower him to express himself while reducing frustration.

Paola, Mom or Owen

shaina finally had some free time again

“Working with Blaire was one of the best decisions I've made in my business. It's literally been game-changing.”

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Next Case Study 

“Brooke is an expert at meeting your child where they are. He is where he is today because of her guidance and care."

- Sarah, Mom of clark