Ready to help your toddler say more?

You spend more time with your child than a speech therapist could!

That's why Big Little Talkers does things differently. 

We show YOU how to use everyday moments to help your toddler talk.

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It's time to say goodbye to worrying, waitlists, and "wait and see" 

90% of brain development happens during the first three years!

This means that the sooner your child gets the support they need, the sooner they can catch up!

But with barriers to therapy like waitlists, cost, and dismissive professionals, how can ensure your child is getting the right support?

Get this: When parents were trained in speech therapy strategies to help their toddlers talk, the children responded as well, sometimes even better than when speech therapists delivered the therapy!

You don't have to be a speech therapist to help your toddler talk

The key to helping your toddler say more isn't to "talk all day" or read more

The magic is in the everyday moments like taking a walk or giving a bath.  It's knowing how to maximize these moments to help foster your child's speech and language skills.

It's the small moments that make a big impact!

When your child can communicate more, it means

Less tantrums

When your child can't tell you what they want, it's frustrating! More words means less frustration, tantrums, and tears

a strong foundation

Early speech and language skills are related to school readiness, social skills, reading and writing, and success in school later on.

Less stress

Spend less time worrying and comparing and more time having fun with your toddler

"Brooke showed us methods we could use to take a more targeted approach, such as prioritizing words that would empower him to express himself while reducing frustration."

Paola, Mom of Owen

Get simple strategies that actually work

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Schedule your virtual consult or grab my self-paced online course.

Get the strategies

Learn simple and proven strategies that fit right into your day.

get them talking

Watch your toddler's vocabulary explode as you implement speech therapy strategies.

As a parent of a toddler myself, I know what it's like to worry about your child meeting milestones. 

In my Private Practice specializing in toddlers, I hear over and over from families who are told to "wait and see" by people who don't truly understand speech development.

So kudos to you! Listening to your gut isn't always easy!  Being an advocate for your child  also means people may tell you you're being overly concerned or tell you they'll "grow out of it"  —even though we know from research that earlier is better and that 20-30% of late-talking toddlers don't grow out of it. 

That’s exactly why I created Big Little Talkers

Now, I help parents—just like you—so you can help your toddler say more and feel confident they are getting off to the best start with speech and language. 

About me

Virtual Speech Consults


Discover speech therapy strategies tailored to meet the needs of your unique child and their specific difficulties with speech.

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Take the Quiz


Not sure if your child is a "late-talker?"  Take me to the quiz and answer a few questions.

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Late-Talker Course


Discover simple and proven strategies to help your toddler say more through my self-paced course.

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Murphy, Parent of Edward

"I know you're not supposed to compare...

but I would hear other kids his age talking in phrases and I would I get so worried! I would spiral wondering if he was always going to be behind. He says things now I never would have imagined. Thank you!"

Brooke supported my son's needs, showed us his strengths, and guided us in helping him make progress with his skills."


Milestones Checklist

Ready to know what to actually expect with speech and language development! Download the free guide broken down by receptive and expressive language.


Resources for busy parents by 

Our tiny humans keep us busy! That's why the resources you'll find here are meant to fit into what you're already doing.

You don't need Pinterest-worthy activities to help your toddler talk! It's the small, everyday moments that add up to make a BIG impact!

a busy  parent

Top resources

Late-Talker Guide

Download your free guide with everything you everything you ever wanted to know about "late-talkers."

How many words?

Wondering how many words your toddler should say. This post breaks it down

First 50 Words Checklist

Want to know what the most common first 50 words are? Keep track with this checklist


Do Signs Delay Speech?

On the Big Little Blog —

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Find out what the research says on signing and its  impact on speech

Gestures are Milestones Too

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Did you know there are 16 gestures we expect by 16 months, Find out what they  are

How Many Words Should They Have?

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Wondering how many words your toddler should have?