1:1 Consults

I created these 1:1 consults so parents of babies and toddlers could know *exactly* how to help their little ones start talking

You're in the right place

It's time to spend less time worrying and more time connecting with your little one!

If you're anything like me, you were imagining sweet conversations with your little one before they were even born. This pulling, tugging, and crying every time they can't tell you what it is they want is not exactly what you pictured (and it breaks your heart a little when they get so frustrated).

You want to know what your little one is thinking and feeling-without having to try and read their mind. You just need to know exactly what to do to help them start talking so that you can see more of their amazing little personality shine!

You’re in just the right place!  Consults and courses for babies and toddlers

Working with Brooke has been an absolute blessing!! She has shared many different strategies with us and we love seeing the progress she makes every week as she continues to improve. 

Monica, Parent of Iyla

The French 75 Podcast is hands-down one of the best business and marketing pods on the airwaves.

— jocelyn, head of social, Create cultivate

Blair changed my life. My whole damn life. I simply wouldn't be where I am in my business if not for her.

— lindsay, co-founder of almost 30

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